Dear MoW Friends, Advocates, and Supporters:
MoW's programming is heating up now that temperatures are cooling down in Phoenix. Actually, the temperature is still ferociously hot in Arizona but so is our Fall programming! We are featuring a number of walks curated and led by creatives including Jaclyn Roessel, Christopher Jagmin, Adriene Jenik, Julie Hampton, and Ambur Gore. We will continue contemplative full moon walks so be sure to read below for those dates.
Looking back on the past year, the Museum of Walking had a productive Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 with highly attended full moon walks, a new Dog Walk series, multiple publications and radio interviews, and the successful launch of projectWALK, MoW's multi-city, multi-institutional program — that will occur every five years — focused on the everyday activity of walking. The apex of projectWALK programming was theWALK, MoW's inaugural large-scale contemplative walk and fundraising event at the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area in Downtown Phoenix. Almost 500 people attended and we are looking forward to theWALK 2018 happening Saturday, March 17, 2018!
Angela Ellsworth
Co-founder and Director
Museum of Walking (MoW)
Hilma af Klint, Series SUW, Group 4, No. 14, Swan, 1915
Full Moon Walk
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Join Museum of Walking for a contemplative Full Moon walk celebrating the Cold Moon. More info in our "Walks" section.
Her Secret is Patience, Janet Echelman, 2009. (photo credit: Will Novak)
Full Moon Walk
Friday, November 3, 2017
Join Museum of Walking for a contemplative Full Moon walk celebrating the Beaver Moon. More info in our "Walks" Section.
Writing Desk, Topography of Memory, Tenuta di Spannocchia, Italy
Writing and Walking
With Julie Hampton
Saturday, October 28,2017
Indian School Park
300 E Indian School Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85012
This is a series that utilizes walking as a powerful tool in the creative process. More details to come.
Diné New Year Walk
with creative activist Jaclyn Roessel
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Kayenta, AZ (About 5 hours north of Phoenix)
Join Jacyln Roessel, President of Grownup Navajo, on a morning walk honoring the beginning of the beginning of Diné New Year.
Christopher Jagmin, The History Project, Florence Italy (43.776116, 11.248461), 1996
History Walk
with Artist Christopher Jagmin
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Noriega Livery Stable
Join artist Christopher Jagmin on a special historical walk around Scottsdale.
Bat Flight Walk
with Artist and Ranger
Ambur Gore
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Arizona Canal, north entrance
Join Ambur Gore on an informational walk as thousands of Mexican Free-tail bats emerge from the "Phoenix Bat Cave" to forage for insects.