Friday, November 6, 2015
2pm - 5pm
Old Main, Arizona State University, 400 E. Tyler Mall, Tempe, AZ 85281
***Please meet in the lobby of Old Main at Arizona State University to join this tour***
Moderate, Approximately 6 miles, 2-3 hours
A participatory walking tour with Angela Ellsworth and the Museum of Walking.
Join local artists Angela Ellsworth, Adriene Jenik and Heather Lineberry on a participatory walk from the Museum of Walking to artist Jody Pinto’s Papago Park City Boundary Project. When you arrive, share observations of the group walk and information about women artists who have used walking as a means to create political, poetic, and environmental works.
All are invited to participate in this activity. A light snack and a bottle of water will be provided. A wide-brimmed hat, durable walking shoes, sunscreen, and additional bottled water are recommended.
Desire Lines: Women Walking as Making is one component of the larger 25th International Sculpture Conference: New Frontiers in Sculpture being held from Wednesday November 4 to Saturday November 7 in Phoenix, Arizona. For more details on this tour and other ways MoW is involved in the wider conference along with general information on the full schedule of events click here.